28 March 2012

"Combine: reap, thresh, winnow"

"Combine: reap, thresh, winnow"
Gery Henderson
JoLea Arcidiacono
Peter Arcidiacono

on view through April 14th, 2012 at the Live Oak Art Center, Columbus, Texas
Hours:  Wednesday - Friday: 11-5.  Saturday: 10-2pm.

Please join us for the reception:  April 7th, from 5-8pm

"Limestone Markers" 2011, by Peter A.

"Tracing Back"  I know, I know, the image sucks.  This piece was finished 
   just in time to install.  Gotta love the tag on the   
         "nose" of the piece.  Ha.  The piece is 
     cedar elm in the body, oak dowels, pecan and   
            mesquite nuts.  Most of the
      wood is my locally milled stock.  Tracing back 
       my family's heritage on my maternal side

 The following pieces are JoLea's ceramic work.
Most are new pieces, with a couple from 2011

Gotta go old school, below is Bison Cart, Bison Boy, Starve the Beast, by Peter.  The bison/buffalo is milled spruce culled from in front of the Forney Mansion in Fort Collins, Colorado.  The rider is chip-board.  Originally exhibited in the exhibit "Hollow Copse-Golden Husk."  Bison cart needs a home, "can I be your friend?"