28 April 2011

"B.O.P." (aka: Blowout Preventer)

a sublime gem
to be nurtured
so hard to hold,
so hard to plant

be yourself-as much as your able to be
be yourself-as much as you allow yourself to be

the nature of emotions
    the emotional nature of nature

imperfect and proud
   contentedly tense
"B.O.P."  2010
live oak (killed by oak wilt or oak decline) on a steel base
installed at Tarrant County College, NorthWest Campus
Fort Worth, TX
through September 2011

19 April 2011

during the MS150

indolent idlewild
insolent ignoramus
serrotinous scrubbing
all the while, subsisting on a 
succulent succotash

12 April 2011

Experiments with new mold making material

Kevin Huffaker brought in some new mold making supplies and we had a bit of fun messing around.  The stuff is ComposiMold.  It is non-toxic, reusable, at least that what Kevin swears.  It is kind of like moulage, in that you can microwave the goop until it is nice and spicy, then you dip or pour your mold, wait for it to cool, and then de-mold; and your ready to cast.  Though, high-exothermic casting is out of the question-and I would assume that means wax and chocolate are off the table.  Fun fun.

Dipping the bust of George Washington. (this is from a perfume bottle....wonder what perfume a founding father smells like)
 Drip, drip
 Here is one of Billy Ray Mangham's ceramic sculptures in progress.
 Billy Ray at work.  He and Beverly are our neighbors and run the extra-wonderful Eye of the Dog Art Center
I'm taking a beginning throwing class with Eric Jackson.   I would consider including some images of the mugs and bowls that I am throwing, but that would just be too painful. Maybe if some of my "little-monsters" survive the glaze firing, I'll pop them up here.