11 September 2011

Never Ending Summer

September 11th, what a day.  I remember so vividly that morning, trying to teach sculpture as we all tried to make some sense of the loss of innocence. 

So, it's seeming like a never ending summer:   the heat, the wind, the fire...rinse and repeat.  Must admit, I've been missing the mountains and our dear fiendish friends in Colorado! 

Been working in the studio, working around the house, teaching-which is kind of funny, I should be grading some work by my 3D Design students, but that will happen after I get's me some important computer work done.

"Golden Boy" has a new purpose, he is now relegated to using his stupendous member as an extension cord hanger!

And, he has a new cycloptic friend from the Bungled Jungle guys up in Salida

A couple other things going on.  I think that a former Texas State University student, Nicholas Hay, is now up at the University of Colorado working on his MFA with our favorite printmaker, Melanie Yazzie.

Also, this week, at TX State, we will be hosting the visiting artist Harrell Fletcher, excellent!