25 May 2011

Musings on the creative process

Got to see Primus last night, after a 20year hiatus, excellent!  Very very!  Standing, dancing, enjoying the ear-splitting noise got me thinking as only ear damage will do:  that real, hard, physical experience is my creative gold mine. 

Art is experiential-the creative/making process comes from what viscerally shakes our core!

Now, I gotta find a way to translate that into a sculpture, and find a way to convey this to my summer sculpture students....Gonna make a smashup sculpture. 

Take a broken down recycled lawn mower;  smash into a pancake with a sledge hammer;  and sandwich it inside one of the wooden logs rotting in our yard.  Kind of an homage to the utilitarian tool we are married to-as post-colonial suburban consumers.  Gotta love all those bright green chem-lawn lawns in lovely arid central Texas, as we recreate the English fantasy of an arcadian garden of Eden