19 June 2011

Isabel Farnsworth Sculpture Install, June 2011

Isabel Farnsworth came down to San Marcos this June to re-install her sculpture outside the art building at Texas State University.  Several students in the School of Art and Design participated in the reconstruction and installation of the public art work. 

Isabel teaches Sculpture at Kent State University.  She originally installed the work in 1999 at Aquarena Springs.  But, alas,  Aquarena Springs is about to deconstructed.  So the Art Department arranged to have her come down and rework the piece.

The sculpture is a stainless steel framework.  Handmade glass beads and cast concrete beads climb up the stainless rods.  With stainless houses mounted on top.

Isabel had to make several polyurethane molds using Polygel RTV rubber so that she could recast a couple of the original glass beads that had broken.  She cast a type of concrete that I had never used before, called Duracal supplied by USG. It is a type III portland cement with some gypsum, so that it sets extremely fast and strong.  Duracal can be cast straight or mixed with an aggregate if need be.  She used pigments from Douglas and Sturgess

Student from summer sculpture and ceramics helping out, and trying not to laugh as the sculpture TA Michelle Hagerty strikes a pose....
The new installation site
It was some hot work of it, so you'll have to excuses me for the hat.  At least I didn't break by pith helmet out!
Tom May at work